Sons of Champlin Exclusive Performance - Part II
I post some pictures of Sons of Champlin in-store live at Tower Rercords San Mateo, CA.
They did the autographs before their performance and of course I got their autographs on my CD!!

Johnny Bamont and former Tower of Power member Mic Gillette.

Bill Champlin (left), Mark "Fenny" Fenichel (right)
James Preston

The original member, Geoff Palmer.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get a good picture of the base player, David Schallock.
It's hard for me to identify their music genre. If someone says their music ic ROCK, I can agree with that, but it sounds like blues or soul. Their music has multi-music ganre flavers. Only I can say is that their music is SUPER!
They did the autographs before their performance and of course I got their autographs on my CD!!

Johnny Bamont and former Tower of Power member Mic Gillette.

Bill Champlin (left), Mark "Fenny" Fenichel (right)

James Preston

The original member, Geoff Palmer.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get a good picture of the base player, David Schallock.
It's hard for me to identify their music genre. If someone says their music ic ROCK, I can agree with that, but it sounds like blues or soul. Their music has multi-music ganre flavers. Only I can say is that their music is SUPER!